Work Packages

WP7: Nudging and social marketing for change
This work package is concerned with factors related to children’s eating environment and the food context. Children’s eating…

WP6: Social influences on children’s healthy eating habits: impact of parenting and of interactions with peers
The WP6 aims at studying the role of psychosocial factors (parents, other caregivers, siblings and peers) and of…

WP5: Pleasure, satiation and overeating
WP5: Pleasure, satiation and overeating involves the study of perceptual mechanisms of taste and texture, and their role…

WP4: Healthy food product development
The current food environment is characterized by the wide availability of unhealthy products with high sugar, fat and…

WP3 Methods development
WP3: Methods Development (of sensory perception and affective responses to foods) is a central WP in the project,…

WP2 Sensory Perception & Food Choice
WP2, sensory perception and food choice will uncover the role of individual sensitivity (the ability to perceive taste)…