There is a clear, evidence-based global public health mandate to limit the consumption of free sugars in the diet (1). Nevertheless, it is unknown how to achieve it and what are the effects on the subsequent eating behaviours. I am Maria Dueñas, an early stage researcher and I want to investigate the relationship between sugar…
Only by listening to parents, to their own needs, we will be able to create health environments for children. I am Andreia Ferreira de Moura, an Early Stage Researcher, and I will be investigating healthy eating in the very beginning of life. I will explore the establishment of the family food environment. Because; how parents…
Is it possible to generate a product idea for a healthy snack or drink option with children? Can they describe how their optimal food product would look, smell and taste like? And what their needs are when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet? I am Martina Galler, an early stage researcher. I will be…