New thesis: The Role of Emotions, Personality Traits, and Sensory Sensitivity in Preadolescents’ Food Preferences

Julia Sick, ESR 3, successfully defended her thesis: “The Role of Emotions, Personality Traits, and Sensory Sensitivity in Preadolescents’ Food Preferences” on April 22, 2022. The defense took place in her home institution at the University of Florence, Italy, and was streamed online.   Institution: University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Forestry,…

New thesis: New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centered food

Martina Galler successfully defended her PhD thesis “New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centered food” Date and place of defence: Digital/Ås, Norway on Friday December 17, 2021. Institution: Nofima, Norway   In spite of the strong covid measures at the end of the year, Martina had…

New thesis: Formation of healthy eating habits in children aged 0-3 years: supporting the development of public health guidelines dissemination material and its evaluation with parents and healthcare professionals

Date and place of defence: Friday March 4th, 2022; Dijon (France). Institution: CSGA INRAE, France and Santé Publique France Opponents  Dr. Blandine De Lauzon-Guillain (UMR CRESS, INRAE, FR) – Reviewer Prof Gerry Jager (Wageningen University, NL) – Reviewer Prof. Noël Peretti (CHU Lyon, FR) – Examiner Dr. Thierry Cardoso (Santé publique France, FR) – Examiner Dr.…

New thesis: Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change

Another PhD defence among the ESRs! Andreia F. Moura, ESR8, successfully defended the thesis: “Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change” on November 26. The defence took place in her home institution, Aarhus University – Denmark, and was celebrated with colleagues, supervisors (Jessica Aschemann-Witzel and Alice Grønhøj) and…

New thesis: Peer, sibling and social media influence on preadolescent children’s healthy eating behaviour

November the 17th, Tija Rageliene (ESR9) defended her thesis “Peer, sibling and social media influence on preadolescent children’s healthy eating behaviour” at Arhus University (School of Business and Social Sciences Department of Management). Her research objective has been to explore the influence of peers, siblings, and social media on preadolescent children’s healthy eating behaviour. She…

New thesis: Taste sensitivity in pre-adolescent children

Ervina (ESR2) defended recently her thesis entitled “Taste sensitivity and food liking in pre-adolescent children”. In this research she has investigated variability in taste sensitivity in pre-adolescent children and tried to link this to food liking. She as applied different tools for measuring taste sensitivity (taste responsiveness, detection and identification threshold as well as response…

New PhD on maternal and paternal feeding practices

A big congratulation to Kaat Philippe who Friday 22.10.2021  defended her thesis in psychology. The thesis was entitled “Maternal and paternal feeding practices: links with young children’s eating behaviours and influencing factors. a systemic approach”  A summary of her thesis, can be found here (both in English and French).   Supervisors: Dr. Sandrine Monnery-Patris and Dr.…

New thesis on conceptual knowledge about food and links to food rejection

On the 25th of October, Abigail Pickard defended her  thesis “Spilling the beans: The development of conceptual knowledge about food and its links with food rejection in young children (3-7-years-old)” . She has investigated how cognitive mechanisms play a role in acceptance or rejecting foods. We congratulate on the excellent work, and wish her well…

First PhD in Edulia on sugar reduction in dairy products targeted at children

Last week, Ana Laura Velázquez defended her PhD as the first ESR in the Edulia consortium. The defense was digital and took place October 14th. The title of her thesis is “Strategies to reduce the sugar content of dairy products targeted at children” and was granted by Universidad de la República (Uruguay). We congratulate Ana…