New paper: Do Basic Tastes and Fattiness Sensitivity Influence Food Liking in Preadolescents?

There have been different studies established in the field of taste sensitivity and food liking. However, it is still uncertain how different taste sensitivity measures relate to each other and to food liking, especially in preadolescent subjects.  Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between basic tastes sensitivity, fattiness sensitivity, and food liking in preadolescents.…

New paper: Preadolescents’healthy eating behavior:peeping through the social norms approach

Tija Rageliene (ESR9) recently published a paper one how social norms influence preadolescents eating behaviour in BMC public health, below you can read a summary of the paper, for the full paper, please see here Preadolescents’ friendships are more than a social matter for your children’s health When children develop, and approach adolescence age the…

New paper: How children approach a CATA test influences the outcome. Insights on ticking styles from two case studies with 6–9-year old children

 Martina Galler (ESR1) recently published her first paper “How children approach a CATA test influences the outcome. Insights on ticking styles from two case studies with 6–9-year old children“ within EDULIA in “Food Quality and Preference”. A summary of the paper is given below, for the full paper please visit our  publication page.   DOI: …

New paper: Early parenthood can represent either a downturn or an opportunity for healthy eating behaviours: Study results with practical guidance for health professionals

Andreia Ferreira Moura (ESR8) recently published her first Edulia paper in the journal Appetite. The paper is entitled “A downturn or a window of opportunity? How Danish and French parents perceive changes in healthy eating in the transition to parenthood”. A summary of the paper is given below, for the full paper please visit our…

Infographics: QUALITY FOOD TIME IN QUARANTINE – different languages

In this post,  Edulias early stage researchers present 5 tips to make quality food time whilst in quarantine. Here you can find the infographics summarising (pdf) the tips in 8 different languages   English Spanish Italian Norwegian [caption id=”attachment_1396″…

New paper: The ability of 10–11-year-old children to identify basic tastes and their liking towards unfamiliar foods

Ervina (ESR2) recently published her first paper in “Food quality and preference” (open access). A summary of the paper is given below Do not underestimate children’s ability in identifying taste! 10 and 11-year-old children are able to identify basic taste even in unfamiliar foods! The involvement of children in sensory and consumer research has been…

Paper on why children accept or reject foods

ESR3, Julia Sick at the University of Florence (Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry) recently published her first paper “Children’s Self-Reported Reasons for Accepting and Rejecting foods” in the journal “Nutrients”. The paper is based on her Master  Thesis which was conducted as a part of Taste for life ( and supervised by Annemarie Olsen…