Edulia Webinar on children and healthy eating
Feb 2021
Osloveien 1, Ås, Norway
Welcome to our webinar. You will get a chance to catch up with the latest research within the area of children and healthy eating. Learn from the latest studies regarding impact of different factors, how to involve young people in innovation and how to communicate successfully.
For registration, please click on the link at this site.
The webinar will be conducted in Teams, and you will receive the link closer to the date.
The webinar starts at 13.00 and last until 16.00 CET
12.45 – 13.00 Log-in
13.00 – 13.10 Welcome
A short welcome and introduction by Paula Varela, coordinator of Edulia and senior scientist at Nofima
13.10 – 14.00 Factors affecting children (healthy) diet
Social inequality in children’s eating habits and determinants in Norway by Nanna Lien, professor at University of Oslo
Investigating basic taste sensitivity and food liking in preadolescent children by Ervina, PhD candidate at Nofima
Pre-adolescents‘ emotional responses to food names and tasted food models using an emoji-based questionnaire by Julia Sick, PhD candidate at University of Florens
14.00 – 14.15 Break
14:15 – 14:50 Co-creation with preadolescents and adolescents for a healthier diet
Co-Creating policies with youth – the Co-Create project by Arnfinn Helleve, Researcher at Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Co-creation of healthy food ideas with children by Martina Galler, PhD candidate at Nofima
14.50 – 15.00 Break
15:00 – 15:35 Health and Taste Communication with and for children
Product extrinsic factors driving food choices in parents by Ana Velazquez, PhD candidate at Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Taste for life – food taste as a driving force for children healthier eating by Annemarie Olsen, Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen
Final discussion & Closing by Paula Varela.