Archive for "healthy eating for parents"

New thesis: Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change

Another PhD defence among the ESRs! Andreia F. Moura, ESR8, successfully defended the thesis: “Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change” on November 26. The defence took place in her home institution, Aarhus University – Denmark, and was celebrated with colleagues, supervisors (Jessica Aschemann-Witzel and Alice Grønhøj) and…

Impact of parenthood on eating behaviours: practical guidance for health professionals

After 35 hours of interviews and 500 pages of discourses analyzed, ESR8-Andreia and her supervisor Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, published their first article with Edulia results: A downturn or a window of opportunity? How Danish and French parents perceive changes in healthy eating in the transition to parenthood.  The results of the study have been published in…