Little is known about fathers’ involvement in child feeding and their feeding practices. To fill this gap, Kaat Philippe (ESR7) and her colleagues at INRAE (France) and the MAPP centre (Denmark) conducted a study. They asked 582 mothers and fathers of Danish pre-schoolers to complete an online survey. With this information, Kaat and her colleagues…
Edulia researchers at UdelaR and Aarhus University came together to investigate dietary changes in the transition to parenthood among Uruguayan parents. The research extends previous work with parents in Denmark and France: The idea of the paper was to expand the knowledge on barriers to healthy eating among families beyond Europe, and from diverse…
Another PhD defence among the ESRs! Andreia F. Moura, ESR8, successfully defended the thesis: “Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change” on November 26. The defence took place in her home institution, Aarhus University – Denmark, and was celebrated with colleagues, supervisors (Jessica Aschemann-Witzel and Alice Grønhøj) and…
ESR8 Andreia and her supervisor, Jessica Aschemann-Witzel developed a storybook to increase children and fathers’ willingness to try new vegetables and spices. The book is a strategy to address barriers for healthy eating among Danish families. In previous investigation Danish mothers indicated child’s and partner’s resistance to try new vegetables as a constraint for a more varied diet…
The results suggest that online nutrition content about sugar causes negative feelings and distress among parents The research was conducted by #ESR8 Andreia and Jessica Aschemann-Witzel in Aarhus University – Denmark. The researchers analyzed content posted by parents about sugar on Facebook and blogs. In the online discussions, sugar consumption appeared as a two-sided experience,…
A recent study suggest that parents feel overwhelmed wit online nutrition content about sugar and other dietary issues. In this Infographics, recommendations for communication with parents based on their interest are presented. The recommendations are based on this study by Andreia Ferreia de Moura (ESR8).
Andreia (ESR8) have written a blog-post on her experiences during the Covid-19 situation: I feel lucky and in a privileged position during these difficult corona times. I haven’t fallen sick so far, neither has anybody close to me. I have the best job one can possibly have now. It’s perfectly possible to work from home and I run no risk of becoming unemployed due to the…
Not every PhD is the same, that’s for sure. Factors like your university rules and regulations, your topic of study, your workplace and colleagues play a key role on how you will experience the PhD life. Nevertheless, I would like to share my own specific experience, that is mostly a very good one. I have just finished my 2nd year PhD, entering…
Andreia Ferreira Moura (ESR8) recently published her first Edulia paper in the journal Appetite. The paper is entitled “A downturn or a window of opportunity? How Danish and French parents perceive changes in healthy eating in the transition to parenthood”. A summary of the paper is given below, for the full paper please visit our…
ESR8-Andreia has created a series of short podcast episodes to share insights on how to deal with an obesogenic environment while considering a more holistic understanding of eating behaviours. Andreia talks about how her own nutrition approach changed along the years. From being a clinical nutritionist working in Sao Paulo (Brazil), to being an Early…