Little is known about fathers’ involvement in child feeding and their feeding practices. To fill this gap, Kaat Philippe (ESR7) and her colleagues at INRAE (France) and the MAPP centre (Denmark) conducted a study. They asked 582 mothers and fathers of Danish pre-schoolers to complete an online survey. With this information, Kaat and her colleagues…
In order to tackle childhood obesity, it is important to know what contributes to weight gain in children. An eating behaviour of interest in this context is “eating in the absence of hunger” (EAH) which has been associated with increased energy intake and weight status in children. To prevent overweight and obesity children, it is…
Past research has mainly focused on the links between mothers’ feeding practices and children’s eating behaviors. Fathers have received much less attention and little is also known about how the use of similar or different feeding practices within families influences children’s behaviors. To fill this gap, Kaat Philippe (ESR7) and her colleagues conducted a study…
First of September, back to school! Well, this year I could share children’s excitement to go back to school as I was about to start my secondment at the Research center of Institut Paul Bocuse in Ecully (France) in September 2019. A new environment, a new team, and a new research topic, exhausting but definitely…
Project within WP6 General objectives: To assess the impact of parental feeding practices on children’s eating behaviour in terms of food repertoire (qualitative dimension; e.g., food rejection) and intake regulation (quantitative dimension; e.g., eating in the absence of hunger) To better understand parental feeding practices, their effects and drivers, and to identify promising feeding strategies to…