Archive for "ESR8"

Impact of parenthood on eating behaviours: practical guidance for health professionals

After 35 hours of interviews and 500 pages of discourses analyzed, ESR8-Andreia and her supervisor Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, published their first article with Edulia results: A downturn or a window of opportunity? How Danish and French parents perceive changes in healthy eating in the transition to parenthood.  The results of the study have been published in…


ESR8, Andreia F. Moura has conducted a literature review on barriers for healthy eating along the transition to parenthood. The main message is that early parenthood brings both challenges and opportunities for new families’ healthy eating behaviours.   Health professionals and public authorities should focus on helping to overcome the challenges in 3 levels (environmental, socio-economic…

Infographics: QUALITY FOOD TIME IN QUARANTINE – different languages

In this post,  Edulias early stage researchers present 5 tips to make quality food time whilst in quarantine. Here you can find the infographics summarising (pdf) the tips in 8 different languages   English Spanish Italian Norwegian [caption id=”attachment_1396″…


Staying at home for an extended period of time can be difficult, and healthy eating can be extra challenging due to the more relaxed “weekend atmosphere”. But worry not, because the Edulia team are here to share TIPS on how to make quality food time whilst in quarantine.  The tips are presented in the infographics…

ESR8 Factors influencing new parent’s healthy eating behavior (preschoolers)

This research will investigate the main barriers for healthy eating in the family food environment with focus on new parents The study will involve 3 main parts, as shown in the figure below: Flowchart summarizing the main steps of the research project   In part I, a cross-cultural study involving 3 countries, Denmark, France and…

The earlier the better 

Only by listening to parents, to their own needs, we will be able to create health environments for children.  I am Andreia Ferreira de Moura, an Early Stage Researcher, and I will be investigating healthy eating in the very beginning of life. I will explore the establishment of the family food environment. Because; how parents…