Date and place of defence: Friday March 4th, 2022; Dijon (France). Institution: CSGA INRAE, France and Santé Publique France Opponents Dr. Blandine De Lauzon-Guillain (UMR CRESS, INRAE, FR) – Reviewer Prof Gerry Jager (Wageningen University, NL) – Reviewer Prof. Noël Peretti (CHU Lyon, FR) – Examiner Dr. Thierry Cardoso (Santé publique France, FR) – Examiner Dr.…
News , PhD defence
complementary feeding, ESR6, feeding recommendations, health communication, health literacy, health promotion, nutrition knowledge, parents, pediatricians, public health
Sofia De Rosso (ESR6) recently published a paper (open access) exploring practices, needs and determinants of information seeking of French parents regarding infant and young child feeding in the journal Public Health Nutrition. Previous studies have explored parental behaviors and feelings regarding infant and young child feeding (IYCF), and they demonstrated that most parents are…
The importance of complementary feeding (CoF) for the establishment of healthy eating behaviors from infancy is well known. Parents are the first influencers of a child’s diet and they are often in contact with pediatricians to gather trustable advice regarding child feeding. What is less known is if expectations regarding exchange of information are met…
Blog , News , publication
child feeding guidelines, complementary feeding information, ESR6, health communication, infant feeding, parenting, parents’ information sources, pediatricians, public health
In this post, Edulias early stage researchers present 5 tips to make quality food time whilst in quarantine. Here you can find the infographics summarising (pdf) the tips in 8 different languages English Spanish Italian Norwegian [caption id=”attachment_1396″…
Blog , infographics , News
Children, corona, ESR1¨, ESR10, ESR11, ESR2, ESR3, ESR4, ESR6, ESR7, ESR8, ESR9, family, food environment, food exposure, guidelines, healthy eating, infographics, quarantine
Staying at home for an extended period of time can be difficult, and healthy eating can be extra challenging due to the more relaxed “weekend atmosphere”. But worry not, because the Edulia team are here to share TIPS on how to make quality food time whilst in quarantine. The tips are presented in the infographics…
Blog , News
corona, covid-19, ESR1, ESR10, ESR11, ESR2, ESR3, ESR4, ESR6, ESR7, ESR8, ESR9, family, guidelines, healthy eating, quarantine
It has been just over a year now that I started my PhD within the Edulia project and last month I finished my last secondment. For 9 months I was working at the offices of Santé publique France (SPF) in Saint Maurice, close to Paris. There I was welcomed by the unit of Nutrition and…
All Early Sage Researchers (ESRs) must conduct secondments, both academic and industrial, as a part of their training in Edulia. Below you can read about the experiences from those who have completed their first secondment. ESR 6 – Sofia De Rosso For my first secondment I had the possibility to go back to the Netherlands,…
Having a baby makes a big change in the life of new parents. After six months, another important step has to be undertaken; the start of complementary feeding. In the very first months of their lives most babies are exclusively fed with milk, whether they are breastfed or given infant formula, they just consumed liquids, with no lumps. It…
In this interview we present ESR6, Sofia De Rosso from Italy who will work in INRA in Dijon, France. Here PhD will focus on how healthy eating habits can be developed for infant and toddlers, and to develop public healthy dissemination material for parents Please, tell us about your background My name is Sofia, I…
Project within WP5 (and to a lesser extent WP4) Objectives: (1) To develop material (leaflet, videos…) to disseminate public health guidelines (PHG) regarding the adoption of healthy eating behaviour in children aged 0-3. (2) To evaluate if this material is understood by parents (3) To evaluate the effect of the use of this material on…