ESR6 Formation of healthy eating habits in children aged 0-3: development of public health guideline dissemination material and effect on parental feeding practices and on children’s eating behaviour.

Photo CC: Joe Urrutia/Nofima

Project within WP5 (and to a lesser extent WP4)


(1) To develop material (leaflet, videos…) to disseminate public health guidelines (PHG) regarding the adoption of healthy eating behaviour in children aged 0-3.

(2) To evaluate if this material is understood by parents

(3) To evaluate the effect of the use of this material on parental feeding practices in children aged 0-3 and on children’s eating behaviour and whether this material is used in a sustained way, and producing sustained changes

Expected results:

This project will enable: To design effective tools to disseminate PHG regarding the adoption of healthy eating habits. To design an intervention to evaluate the effect of PHG dissemination tools. To evaluate the effect of these PHG dissemination tools on parental feeding practices and on children’s eating behaviour. Training: ESR6 will be trained by Santé Publique France on nutrition communication and dissemination tool evaluation; and by WUR regarding early nutrition intervention design methodology.

Planned secondments:

(1) Non-academic secondment at Santé Publique France (Paris, France), at M8-M17, for 9 months, aimed at producing effective tools to disseminate PHG regarding the adoption of healthy eating habits.

(2) Academic secondment at WUR (Wageningen, The Netherlands), at M5, for 1 month to participate in a doctoral training seminar and to be trained on nutrition intervention design methodology.


Papers by ESR6

The Perceptions and Needs of French Parents and Pediatricians Concerning Information on Complementary Feeding

Information seeking of French parents regarding infant and young child feeding: practices, needs and determinants


Blogposts by ESR6

Get to know the early stage researchers – interview with Sofia (ESR6)

Early stage researchers have been on secondment

Secondment at Santé publique France – Sofia de Rosso (ESR6)

Infographics: Quality food time in quarantine – Italian






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