ESRs receive prices at conferences and workshops

Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

Poster prize to Kaat Philippe (ESR7)

Kaat won the poster prize for her presentation at the ‘Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs’ of the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

Her study aims to evaluate the impact of parental feeding practices on both qualitative and quantitative dimensions of young children’s eating behavior, and their BMI. Kaat and her team also try to stimulate both fathers and mothers feeding practices to evaluate the differences and similarities between them. The data collection of her study is currently still ongoing

Congratulations to Kaat!!

Student award to Ervina (ES2)

Ervina (ESR2) received recently an award of best student flash presentation at the 8th E3S & SISS SYMPOSIUM in Milan. Her talk was entitled “The ability of 10 to 11-year-old children
to identify the basic tastes of unfamiliar foods”.

She presented results from a study were children tasted a range of unfamiliar foods, and characterized their basic tastes. The children’s characterization resembled that of a trained panel. Her research shows that children are able to recognize dominance basic tastes in real foods. This is reassuring in front of her future studies, where foods designed to vary in taste intensity will be utilized to investigate sensory sensitivity in children.


Science day

Recently Ervina (ESR2) and Martina (ESR1) attended the KBM (Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science) Science Day in Son Spa, Norway arranged by The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). At the event, they were given the opportunity to present their research plans and share the results from their preliminary study during the poster presentation session.

The KBM science day is an event that showcases the diverse research programs being undertaken at the KBM faculty at NMBU. At this event, PhD students play a vital part in the program where they demonstrated two-minute presentations followed by a poster session to explain their individual research projects. In addition, there was also a talk from on how to communicate science to broaden the amount of readers, viewers, and listeners. The event was closed by the summer party and a dinner to welcome summer in Norway!

Martina Galler (ESR1): “Exploring new sensory methods for children- to bring down their barriers to healthy eating”

She presented her plan for her first experiment which investigates the opportunities of having children as co-creators of a healthy snack idea. The research will look into what Norwegian children eat in between meals. How they perceive the snacks with regards to taste, liking and healthiness, and to see if they have ideas for improvement. Existing methods from sensory science and brainstorming are adapted to working with children containing game elements and using a story as an engaging test setup.

Ervina (ESR2): “Pilot Study on Taste Sensitivity in Pre-adolescent Children”

In this poster Ervina presented results from a pilot study on taste sensitivity conducted earlier this spring in Ås, Norway. (Taste detectives for a day). The purpose of this study was to test the methodology for assessing basic taste and fat sensitivity in pre-adolescent children. The results show that the selected gamification method – called “Taste detective” – was engaging and that the online version was faster than the cardboard version. The Two-Forced-Choice method was suitable for fat sensitivity measure. Finally, the concentrations used for the basic tastes can be applied in future experiments

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