Edulia’s main objective has been “bringing down barriers to healthy eating”. The idea is that we want children (and then later as adolscents and adults) to eat healthy by choice, not because they are told to. Research by our ESRs show that Food familiarity is important to decrease food neophopia and food fuzziness Pickard, A.,…
Ervina (ESR2) defended recently her thesis entitled “Taste sensitivity and food liking in pre-adolescent children”. In this research she has investigated variability in taste sensitivity in pre-adolescent children and tried to link this to food liking. She as applied different tools for measuring taste sensitivity (taste responsiveness, detection and identification threshold as well as response…
PhD defence
detection threshold, ESR2, identification threshold, model food, pre-adolescents, PROP, sensory sensitivity, taste identification, taste responsiveness, taste sensitivity, water solutions
On February the 4th, Edulia organised a webinar on children and healthy eating in with invited speakers from the CO-Create project run by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), the University of Oslo and the University of Copenhagen. In addition four of the EARLY STAGE RESEARCHERs presented their research. The webinar was divided into…
Children, co-creating, Co-creating with preadolescents and adolesecents for healthy eating, communication, Conference, ESR, ESR1, ESR2, ESR3, Factors affecting children's healthy eating, healthy eating, sensory sensitivity, webinar
There have been different studies established in the field of taste sensitivity and food liking. However, it is still uncertain how different taste sensitivity measures relate to each other and to food liking, especially in preadolescent subjects. Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between basic tastes sensitivity, fattiness sensitivity, and food liking in preadolescents.…
Poster prize to Kaat Philippe (ESR7) Kaat won the poster prize for her presentation at the ‘Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs’ of the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Her study aims to evaluate the impact of parental feeding practices on both qualitative and quantitative dimensions of young children’s eating behavior, and their BMI. Kaat and her team…
There is clear evidence that most children prefer chocolate bar and candies rather than a handful of grapes or an apple for their mealtime snacks. In addition, they also strongly reject the bitter taste from vegetables. This attitude towards food preference creates a huge challenge for parents and caregivers to provide healthy foods for their…
The two early stage researchers Ervina and Martina Galler have been piloting Edulia research protocols at a Norwegian primary school. Last month members of the Edulia team visited 43 children from the 6th grade (children aged 11 to 12 y.o.) in a primary school in Ås, Norway. This day the ordinary teaching was replaced by…
Julia is about to start as Edulia position ESR3 at the University of Florence in Italy. Her research will focus on The role of emotions, personality traits and sensory sensitivity in food preferences in pre-adolescent children, in WP2. She will work closely with Ervina (ESR2) Please, tell us about your background My name is Julia…
Ervina will soon move from the million city of Jakarta in Indonesia to the small village Ås in Norway for the ESR2 position in Edulia. Her research will be tightly linked to WP2, she will focus on the importance of sensory sensitivity for food perception among pre-adolescent children and we expect a close collaboration with Julia (ESR3) who…
Julia defended her thesis in April 2022 and is currently working at the SensoryLab (University of Florence), where she continues among other some of her research related to the EDULIA project. Overall objectives The overall objective was to investigate the role of emotions, personality traits, and sensory sensitivity in preadolescents’ food preferences. Specific…