Roselinde van Nee (ESR4) published her first PhD paper in collaboration with her supervisors Ellen van Kleef and Hans van Trijp. The paper is about preadolescents’ healthy food consumption at schools in the Netherlands. A total of 142 preadolescents (on average 12 years old) and 81 parents completed questionnaires. Making independent food choices To what…
ESR3, Julia Sick at the University of Florence (Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry) recently published her first paper “Children’s Self-Reported Reasons for Accepting and Rejecting foods” in the journal “Nutrients”. The paper is based on her Master Thesis which was conducted as a part of Taste for life ( and supervised by Annemarie Olsen…
Significant adults in children environment can form children’s food choice and much more. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. The rain kept playing it’s soft rhythms through my window all day long and seemed didn’t want to stop. “The perfect weather for shopping,” I thought and decided to buy something sweet and tasty to lift…
Meet Martina Galler from Switzerland who soon will leave a fixed position in the food industry to do a PhD as a part of Edulia. Her project will focus on new methodologies for studying intrinsic and extrinsic parameters influencing children’s (preadolescents) food choice. Please, tell us about your background (subject of master thesis, where from, age)…
Julia is about to start as Edulia position ESR3 at the University of Florence in Italy. Her research will focus on The role of emotions, personality traits and sensory sensitivity in food preferences in pre-adolescent children, in WP2. She will work closely with Ervina (ESR2) Please, tell us about your background My name is Julia…
Objectives: (1) To develop influential nudging interventions to lead children to healthier eating habits. (2) To examine the impact of nudges on feelings of autonomy and intrinsic motivation for healthy food choices. (3) To understand the effects of nudging interventions over time. Expected results: Given the strong need for a positive and enabling food environment…