Julia Sick (ESR3) and her team from of the University of Florence (UNIFI), Prof. Erminio Monteleone, Prof Caterina Dinnella, Dr. Lapo Pierguidi, and Dr. Sara Spinelli, published the paper named “Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents” in the international journal Food Quality and Preference. You can…
From March until May 2020, a first strict lockdown took place in France to limit the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Schools were closed and working from home was enforced, which had a profound impact on families’ habits. ESR7, Kaat Philippe, and her colleagues conducted a study with 498 French families to investigate…
Julia Sick (ESR3) recently published her first paper within EDULIA in “Food Quality and Preference”. The paper is entitled “Children’s selection of emojis to express food-elicited emotions in varied eating contexts”. A summary of the paper is given below, for the full paper please visit our publication page. How can we measure how children feel…
How are emotions and food related? On the one hand, emotions and moods can influence what food we want to eat and how much of it, and on the other hand, the food we consume can provoke emotions in us. In the first case, the relationship has been widely researched in food-related disorders like obesity…
Early morning as always. Some morning routine as always. Some morning exercise, but just on special occasions, a cup of green tea, something to eat for breakfast, and I am on my way to work. The lunch break usually comes sooner than I expect it, and I have to hurry up to catch my “to…
I chose the pathway of a researcher because of my passion about food behavior and sensory science. We, the researchers, take on a big responsibility on trying to change what and how children should eat. But what can we do that both research and real life benefit from each other? In fact, we need to…
Julia is about to start as Edulia position ESR3 at the University of Florence in Italy. Her research will focus on The role of emotions, personality traits and sensory sensitivity in food preferences in pre-adolescent children, in WP2. She will work closely with Ervina (ESR2) Please, tell us about your background My name is Julia…
Julia defended her thesis in April 2022 and is currently working at the SensoryLab (University of Florence), where she continues among other some of her research related to the EDULIA project. Overall objectives The overall objective was to investigate the role of emotions, personality traits, and sensory sensitivity in preadolescents’ food preferences. Specific…