Archive for "food rejection"

New thesis on conceptual knowledge about food and links to food rejection

On the 25th of October, Abigail Pickard defended her  thesis “Spilling the beans: The development of conceptual knowledge about food and its links with food rejection in young children (3-7-years-old)” . She has investigated how cognitive mechanisms play a role in acceptance or rejecting foods. We congratulate on the excellent work, and wish her well…

New paper: Strawberries and Cream: The Relationship between Food Rejection and Thematic Knowledge of Food in Young Children

Abigail Pickard (ESR10) recently published a paper on the relationship between food rejection and thematic knowledge of food in young children in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. The paper has open access and can be found here Young children often reject foods because they feel unfamiliar with the food itself or the food situation. Having…

Award to Edulia Early stage researcher

One of the early stage researchers (ESRs) in Edulia, Abigail Pickard  in the cognitive science research team at Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center, received a Policy Research award from the Society for Research in Child Development committee during the 2021 biennial meeting. The subject of her poster presentation was: “Strawberries and cream: The relationship between young…

Edulia webinar from Institut Paul Bocuse: Cognitive and Social variables modulating food rejection (or acceptance) in children.

Edulia partner Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center will organises a webinar the 29th of April on cognitive and social variables modulating food rejection (or acceptance) in children.   Food acceptance and rejection depend on multiple factors. In this webinar, researchers will present their ongoing projects on the influence of food processing and transformation (D. Foinant,…

Paper on why children accept or reject foods

ESR3, Julia Sick at the University of Florence (Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry) recently published her first paper “Children’s Self-Reported Reasons for Accepting and Rejecting foods” in the journal “Nutrients”. The paper is based on her Master  Thesis which was conducted as a part of Taste for life ( and supervised by Annemarie Olsen…

A Fear of Food? Breaking barriers in children’s mistrust for food

The relationship young children have with food appears to be as turbulent as a Boeing 737 flight; with some children showing the smoothest of take offs and navigation, whilst others endure several stalls and emergency landings.   The vast difference in children’s eating behavior when they commence their exploration of solid foods makes the subject immensely…

ESR10 Food rejections in preschoolers: where it comes from and how it can be modulated (preschoolers)

Project within WP6 (and to a lesser extent WP3 and WP7) Objectives: (1) To investigate cognitive mechanisms that could contribute to an explanation of food rejections in preschoolers. (2) To develop innovative eating devices consistent with the developmental characteristics underpinning food rejections. Specific questions: It has been recently shown that food rejections are associated to…