Our Early Stage Researchers

Edulia is a part of an ITN-ETN Marie Curie Training Network, funded by the EU through Horizon 2020, which comprises a network of 11 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) and their supervisors.  ESRs are researchers in the first four years of their research careers. The ESRs are located in five countries.

The program is part of an ITN-ETN Marie Curie Training Network, funded by the EU through Horizon 2020.

Edulia is a multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial European Training and Research Network with a global reach.

Our network will train 11 young innovative and adaptable researchers in high-level skills across complementary fields through studying children’s food choices, in order to build strong career development paths.

The training program includes multidisciplinary scientific training within both natural and social sciences, secondments in academic and non-academic organisations, and courses in transferable skills, promoting science communication and outreach.

ITN programs require undertaking transnational mobility, therefore the ESRs could not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the host country for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment to the project.

The ESR projects


ESR11 Strategies to reduce the sugar content of dairy products targeted at children

This thesis attempted to provide stakeholders involved in the development of products targeted at children recommendations to reduce…

ESR10 Food rejections in preschoolers: where it comes from and how it can be modulated (preschoolers)

Project within WP6 (and to a lesser extent WP3 and WP7) Objectives: (1) To investigate cognitive mechanisms that…

ESR9 Peer and sibling influence on children’s healthy eating behavior (preadolescents)

Project within WP6 (to a lesser extent WP7) Objectives: (1) to investigate the influence of secondary socialisation agents…

ESR8 Factors influencing new parent’s healthy eating behavior (preschoolers)

This research will investigate the main barriers for healthy eating in the family food environment with focus on…

ESR7 Impact of caregivers’ feeding practices on children’s eating behaviours and intake regulation (preschoolers)

Project within WP6 General objectives: To assess the impact of parental feeding practices on children’s eating behaviour in terms…

ESR5: Sweet taste perception in young children

Project description ESR5 – Carina Mueller   Objectives: To review strategies to modify sweet taste perception and hedonic…

ESR4 Nudging children towards healthier food choices (preadolescents)

Objectives: (1) To develop influential nudging interventions to lead children to healthier eating habits. (2) To examine the…

ESR3 The role of emotions, personality traits and sensory sensitivity in food preferences in children (preadolescents)

Julia defended her thesis in April 2022 and is currently working at the SensoryLab (University of Florence), where…

ESR2 Importance of sensory sensitivity for food perception among children (preadolescents)

Objectives: (1) To map sensory sensitivity levels for the five basic tastes and fattiness in preadolescent children and…

ESR1 New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centred food

Objectives: The thesis aim was to establish research-based knowledge on suitable consumer insight and food testing methodologies with…