Archive for "preferences"

New paper: Children’s sweet tooth: Explicit ratings vs. Implicit bias measured by the Approach avoidance task (AAT)

Martina Galler (ESR1) recently published a paper in collaboration with her supervisors, Paula Varela, Tormod Næs, Kristian Hovde Liland and Gastón Ares. The study was conducted within the master thesis of Emma Mikkelsen in Martina’s project. The paper is open access in the Journal: Food Quality and Preferences. Automatic food decision making Food choices that…

ESR2 Importance of sensory sensitivity for food perception among children (preadolescents)

Objectives: (1) To map sensory sensitivity levels for the five basic tastes and fattiness in preadolescent children and study relationships between these; (2)  To uncover relationships between sensory sensitivity, hedonic preferences, food neophobia/pickiness and body weight status in preadolescent children; (3) To investigate children’s sensitivity to sugar reduction thresholds and acceptance of sugar-reduced products; (4)…