Healthy product development The current food environment is characterized by the wide availability of unhealthy products with high sugar, fat and salt content. This constitutes a major barrier for the development of healthy dietary patterns among children and preadolescents. In this context, WP4 “Healthy Food Product Development” has explored children-driven product development, based on the…
Martina Galler successfully defended her PhD thesis “New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centered food” Date and place of defence: Digital/Ås, Norway on Friday December 17, 2021. Institution: Nofima, Norway In spite of the strong covid measures at the end of the year, Martina had…
Martina Galler (ESR1) recently published a paper exploring the co-creation of healthy snack ideas with children through creative and enabling methods. In addition to focus groups, an online platform was explored as setting that might be highly relevant to co-create the food of the future with young people. The paper is published in Food Research…
Objectives: The thesis aim was to establish research-based knowledge on suitable consumer insight and food testing methodologies with preadolescents (appr. 9 to 12 years old), aimed at the development of healthy food products (by the food industry) and a better understanding of children’s perception of food (at an academic level). A special focus lay on…