Archive for "product development"

A message for the industry: Less sugar is possible

Healthy product development The current food environment is characterized by the wide availability of unhealthy products with high sugar, fat and salt content. This constitutes a major barrier for the development of healthy dietary patterns among children and preadolescents. In this context, WP4 “Healthy Food Product Development” has explored children-driven product development, based on the…

Sweet Sweet Dairy!

I am an early state researcher at the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay. I will investigate strategies to reduce sugar in dairy products for children and apply several sensory methods to ensure that those products are still liked by children.    More than 6 billion people consume dairy products around the world (1) and according…

ESR11 Strategies to reduce the sugar content of dairy products targeted at children

This thesis attempted to provide stakeholders involved in the development of products targeted at children recommendations to reduce the sugar content of products, as well as to provide to public policy makers information that serves as the basis for the design of sugar reduction programs. The following objectives were addressed: General objectives The general objective…

Get to know the early stage researchers – interview with Ana (ESR11)

Ana has just started on her way to PhD at Universidad de la República in Uruguay, where she will take the ESR11 position in Edulia, working on development of sugar-reduced dairy products for pre-adolescents. Read about her expectations here. Please, tell us about your background Hello! I am Ana Velazquez (30)  from Mexico. One of…

ESR1 New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centred food

Objectives: The thesis aim was to establish research-based knowledge on suitable consumer insight and food testing methodologies with preadolescents (appr. 9 to 12 years old), aimed at the development of healthy food products (by the food industry) and a better understanding of children’s perception of food (at an academic level). A special focus lay on…