The final conference was planned and rescheduled several times. The original plan was to organise a conference together with the last consortium meeting. However, because of the risk that ESRs could not participate due to new obligations, it was decided to organise an Edulia conference spring/winter 2021. Due to the pandemic this was postponed multiple…
The final Edulia consortium meeting, was held in beautiful Florence, Italy, June 20th. It was a pleasure to finally meet physically again after a long period with only digital meetings. Presentations The consortium meetings have been an arena for ESRs to present their plans and results. This time, we got status updates from only three…
We have decided to extend the deadline for abstracts to the 31st of May, please register your abstract here To register for the conference, please go to this link The preliminary programme you will find here
Here is the final program for the Edulia conference: Agenda Edulia Conference 2022 . A condensed version is shown below (for printing, click for the pdf with larger font). For more details, please consider the event page
As everything looked bright the previous fall, we were hopeful to organize a conference presenting results from Edulia in Florence March 2022. As the pandemic is still going on and leading to a lot of uncertainty related to travel and to gather a larger number of people, we have decided to (again) postponing the event.…