Emoji drooling face
- Helping children eat healthy
06.07.2022 - A message for the industry: Less sugar is possible
06.07.2022 - Edulia Conference - Florence June 2022
06.07.2022 - New paper: Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents
06.07.2022 - Final Consortium Meeting and General Assembly
06.07.2022 - New thesis: The Role of Emotions, Personality Traits, and Sensory Sensitivity in Preadolescents’ Food Preferences
08.06.2022 - Extended deadline for abstracts to Edulia conference
12.05.2022 - Paper about Weight Status and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents
21.04.2022 - New thesis: New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centered food
11.03.2022 - New thesis: Formation of healthy eating habits in children aged 0-3 years: supporting the development of public health guidelines dissemination material and its evaluation with parents and healthcare professionals
11.03.2022 - New paper: Listening to children voices in early stages of new product development through co-creation – Creative focus group and online platform
02.03.2022 - New paper - Capturing food-elicited emotions: Facial decoding of children’s implicit and explicit responses to tasted samples
02.03.2022 - Expanding food worlds of pre-adolescents: Practical guidelines to support pre-adolescents in eating healthy outside home in a tempting food environment
02.03.2022 - New paper: Parental feeding practices and parental involvement in child feeding in Denmark: gender differences and predictors
08.02.2022 - New paper - Parenthood as a window of opportunity for dietary changes: perspectives from Uruguayan parents
08.02.2022 - Edulia Conference programme
16.06.2022 - Edulia final conference postponed
20.01.2022 - Make the sensory testing fun for preadolescents! The use of gamification in the sensory test setup with children
17.12.2021 - New paper: Young children’s eating in the absence of hunger: links with children’s control abilities, their weight status, and maternal controlling feeding practices.
17.12.2021 - Measuring basic tastes and fattiness sensitivity in preadolescents and the relation to children’s food liking
17.12.2021 - New thesis: Transitioning to parenthood: Factors influencing new parents’ healthy eating behaviours and strategies for change
07.12.2021 - A remote sensory testing during Covid-19 pandemic with preadolescents
07.12.2021 - New Paper: Measuring basic tastes and fattiness sensitivity in preadolescents and the relation to children’s food liking
07.12.2021 - New Paper: Preadolescents’ taste sensitivity is associated with their eating behaviour
07.12.2021 - Edulia Conference – Bringing down barriers to children’s healthy eating, 21st-22nd June
31.01.2022 - New thesis: Peer, sibling and social media influence on preadolescent children’s healthy eating behaviour
17.11.2021 - New thesis: Taste sensitivity in pre-adolescent children
23.11.2021 - New paper: Does Responsiveness to Basic Tastes Influence Preadolescents’ Food Liking? Investigating Taste Responsiveness Segment on Bitter-Sour-Sweet and Salty-Umami Model Food Samples
16.11.2021 - New PhD on maternal and paternal feeding practices
25.10.2021 - New thesis on conceptual knowledge about food and links to food rejection
15.11.2021 - New paper: Contrasts and ambivalences in French parents’ experiences regarding changes in eating and cooking behaviours during the COVID-19 lockdown.
02.11.2021 - First PhD in Edulia on sugar reduction in dairy products targeted at children
21.10.2021 - New paper: Children’s sweet tooth: Explicit ratings vs. Implicit bias measured by the Approach avoidance task (AAT)
02.11.2021 - New paper: Information seeking of French parents regarding infant and young child feeding: practices, needs and determinants
10.09.2021 - New paper: How do French parents determine portion sizes for their pre-schooler? A qualitative exploration of the parent-child division of responsibility and influencing factors
10.09.2021 - New paper: The Perceptions and Needs of French Parents and Pediatricians Concerning Information on Complementary Feeding
02.08.2021 - New paper: Are food parenting practices gendered? Impact of mothers' and fathers' practices on their child's eating behaviors.
30.06.2021 - New paper: The influence of label information on the snacks parents choose for their children: Individual differences in a choice based conjoint test
30.06.2021 - New paper: "Do children favor snacks and dislike vegetables? Exploring children’s food preferences using drawing as a projective technique. A cross-cultural study"
21.06.2021 - New paper: The role of peers, siblings and social media for children’s healthy eating socialization: a mixed methods study
21.06.2021 - New paper: Dutch Preadolescents’ Food Consumption at School
18.05.2021 - New paper: The Meaning of Emoji to Describe Food Experiences in Pre-Adolescents
18.05.2021 - New paper: Can children use temporal sensory methods to describe visual and food stimuli?
18.05.2021 - New paper: Strawberries and Cream: The Relationship between Food Rejection and Thematic Knowledge of Food in Young Children
07.04.2021 - Award to Edulia Early stage researcher
19.05.2021 - Edulia webinar from Institut Paul Bocuse: Cognitive and Social variables modulating food rejection (or acceptance) in children.
19.04.2021 - New paper: Child eating behaviors, parental feeding practices and food shopping motivations during the COVID-19 lockdown in France: (How) did they change?
05.02.2021 - Oscar and Sophies’ vegetable friends
25.02.2021 - Edulia webinar on children and healthy eating - with video from the seminar
25.02.2021 - Video of father & daughter enjoying the superpowers of healthy eating!
10.02.2021 - New paper: Children as food designers: The potential of co-creation to make the healthy choice the preferred one
19.01.2021 - Secondment at the MAPP centre, Aarhus University, Denmark – Kaat Philippe (ESR7)
05.02.2021 - New paper: Perspectives on sugar consumption expressed on social media by French-speaking and Danish-speaking parents
13.01.2021 - Infographics: Recommendations on how to tackle nutrition issues among parents
01.02.2021 - New paper: Significant sugar-reduction in dairy products targeted at children is possible without affecting hedonic perception
19.01.2021 - Impressions from Eurosense – A sense of Innovation
21.12.2020 - New paper: Do Basic Tastes and Fattiness Sensitivity Influence Food Liking in Preadolescents?
13.10.2020 - Starting a new position during a pandemic
09.12.2020 - ESR9 Peer and sibling influence on children’s healthy eating behavior (preadolescents)
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Carina Mueller - new ESR in the project
22.10.2020 - New paper: Preadolescents’healthy eating behavior:peeping through the social norms approach
15.09.2020 - An Early Stage Researcher’s diary during corona times
22.10.2020 - New paper: How children approach a CATA test influences the outcome. Insights on ticking styles from two case studies with 6–9-year old children
20.08.2020 - What it is like to be Early Stage Researcher during the Covid-19-situation
17.09.2020 - PhD life: some anecdotes on struggles, growth and passion from ESR8-Andreia
13.10.2020 - New paper: Early parenthood can represent either a downturn or an opportunity for healthy eating behaviours: Study results with practical guidance for health professionals
12.05.2020 - New paper: Children’s selection of emojis to express food-elicited emotions in varied eating contexts
12.05.2020 - Foodwiser: A podcast with Edulia insights and beyond
01.09.2020 - Two-year position open for early stage researchers (ESR)
03.07.2020 - Impact of parenthood on eating behaviours: practical guidance for health professionals
12.05.2020 - New paper: The influence of peers′ and siblings′ on children’s and adolescents′ healthy eating behavior
11.05.2020 - Smell Detection Game and the Flavor vs Taste Experiment - different languages
03.04.2020 - Infographics: QUALITY FOOD TIME IN QUARANTINE - different languages
03.04.2020 - New paper: The ability of 10–11-year-old children to identify basic tastes and their liking towards unfamiliar foods
24.03.2020 - Edulia presents: QUALITY FOOD TIME IN QUARANTINE
02.04.2020 - Secondment at Santé publique France - Sofia de Rosso (ESR6)
24.03.2020 - How is Edulia affected by the Corona situation?
24.03.2020 - Paper on why children accept or reject foods
06.12.2019 - Edulia fun facts
24.03.2020 - Experiences ESR7 Kaat Philippe - Secondment Institut Paul Bocuse, Ecully, France
16.03.2020 - Cross-modal interactions as a strategy for sugar reduction in products targeted at children: Case study with vanilla milk desserts
10.02.2020 - Did you know that Norwegian children eat ramen after school?
25.11.2019 - Children preferred to be product developers instead of helping an alien
20.11.2019 - Cross-cultural data collection on new parents’ eating behaviors
25.10.2019 - School-based interventions to promote water consumption
04.10.2019 - Sweets as comfort: facing the post-partum period
09.09.2019 - A Fear of Food? Breaking barriers in children’s mistrust for food
05.09.2019 - The Role of Emotions in Children’s Food Preferences
12.08.2019 - Your Diet Means More Than You Think.
03.07.2019 - On the Creation of Conscious Eaters
03.07.2019 - ESRs receive prices at conferences and workshops
12.06.2019 - What do they see in You?
24.06.2019 - Early stage researchers have been on secondments
07.06.2019 - Sweet Sweet Dairy!
07.06.2019 - Pre-adolescents don’t know what parsnip is
04.06.2019 - Role models in children’s eating behavior
24.05.2019 - Early stage researcher activities in Edulia
24.05.2019 - ESR8 Factors influencing new parent’s healthy eating behavior (preschoolers)
07.09.2018 - Why children like candies and tend to reject broccoli?
24.05.2019 - How fruit consumption at schools can be increased through nudging
25.04.2019 - Guiding parents through the initiation of complementary feeding
24.04.2019 - Children spent a huge amount of time with their friends and peers and the relationship with them have a significant influence on their development.
25.04.2019 - How can sweet taste preferences be changed?
24.04.2019 - The earlier the better
24.04.2019 - Taste detectives for a day
12.04.2019 - Children as co-creators of a healthy food product
23.04.2019 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Abigail (ESR10)
24.01.2019 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with María (ESR5)
07.02.2019 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Sofia (ESR6)
15.01.2019 - ESR11 Strategies to reduce the sugar content of dairy products targeted at children
07.09.2018 - ESR7 Impact of caregivers’ feeding practices on children’s eating behaviours and intake regulation (preschoolers)
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Kaat (ESR7)
16.01.2019 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Andreia (ESR8)
10.01.2019 - ESR6 Formation of healthy eating habits in children aged 0-3: development of public health guideline dissemination material and effect on parental feeding practices and on children’s eating behaviour.
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers – interview with Roselinde (ESR4)
09.10.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers – interview with Martina (ESR1)
09.10.2018 - ESR10 Food rejections in preschoolers: where it comes from and how it can be modulated (preschoolers)
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers – interview with Ana (ESR11)
01.10.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Julia (ESR3)
28.09.2018 - ESR1 New methodologies in sensory and consumer research with preadolescents to guide product development of healthy, child-centred food
07.09.2018 - ESR5: Sweet taste perception in young children
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Ervina (ESR2)
28.09.2018 - ESR3 The role of emotions, personality traits and sensory sensitivity in food preferences in children (preadolescents)
07.09.2018 - ESR2 Importance of sensory sensitivity for food perception among children (preadolescents)
07.09.2018 - ESR4 Nudging children towards healthier food choices (preadolescents)
07.09.2018 - Get to know the early stage researchers - interview with Tija (ESR9)
16.10.2018 - Current trends in children research
15.10.2018 - Edulia in prime time TV in Norway
16.04.2018 - Edulia positions
12.03.2018 - How Can Children be Encouraged to Eat Healthily?
14.03.2018 - WP2 Sensory Perception & Food Choice
08.03.2018 - WP3 Methods development
12.03.2018 - WP4: Healthy food product development
12.03.2018 - WP5: Pleasure, satiation and overeating
12.03.2018 - WP6: Social influences on children's healthy eating habits: impact of parenting and of interactions with peers
12.03.2018 - WP7: Nudging and social marketing for change
12.03.2018 - Bringing down barriers to children's healthy eating